The Maharastra government have decided to increase the age of drinking to 25 from 21 and I totally support this..
But along with this they HAVE TO implement the following LAWS as well..
1. The retirement age for all Government officials and ministers be made 65 (that way they are not from another era)
2. The pay to these guys increased and all subsidies cut completely. (so no free travel, no cheap food etc feel the pinch that the aam janta feels)
3. Ban on all ministers and government officials from smoking and consuming alcohol in any form. (after all how will they rule if they are intoxicated)
4. No free stay should be provided to them. (let them try buying houses like all people and see if they can afford to pay the 60 - 40% OR try living on the obscene rents that regular people have to pay)
5. No one with criminal cases against them will be allowed to stand up for any of these jobs. (either the judical system will hurry up or we would have got rid of the rotten apples)
6. All their promises should be made their appraisal points and after each year their salaries should be increased or decreased as per their performances. (at least they will stop making false promises or actually start working on them)
7. Their timings have to be clocked. (lets see how much time they put into work)
well I think I could go on and on.. but will save that for when they increase the drinking age to 30...
So these laws should do for now.. what say Maharastra government upto it..?
The Maharastra government have decided to increase the age of drinking to 25 from 21 and I totally support this..
But along with this they HAVE TO implement the following LAWS as well..
1. The retirement age for all Government officials and ministers be made 65 (that way they are not from another era)
2. The pay to these guys increased and all subsidies cut completely. (so no free travel, no cheap food etc feel the pinch that the aam janta feels)
3. Ban on all ministers and government officials from smoking and consuming alcohol in any form. (after all how will they rule if they are intoxicated)
4. No free stay should be provided to them. (let them try buying houses like all people and see if they can afford to pay the 60 - 40% OR try living on the obscene rents that regular people have to pay)
5. No one with criminal cases against them will be allowed to stand up for any of these jobs. (either the judical system will hurry up or we would have got rid of the rotten apples)
6. All their promises should be made their appraisal points and after each year their salaries should be increased or decreased as per their performances. (at least they will stop making false promises or actually start working on them)
7. Their timings have to be clocked. (lets see how much time they put into work)
well I think I could go on and on.. but will save that for when they increase the drinking age to 30...
So these laws should do for now.. what say Maharastra government upto it..?
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