2024, what a year it’s been,
It raced by faster than I'd ever seen.
Though there’s still some time for a lucky streak,
I feel blessed for the highs of each week.
Started fresh in a brand-new land, (Bhutan)
And now two more stamps are on at hand.
A new city (Spiti!) graced my way,
And work took me to Japan, KL, and TH to stay.
The workload grew, so did the stress,
But all ended smooth, I must confess.
Even the ones that didn’t take flight,
Taught lessons that made the future bright.
Post-COVID calm, the year has been a neutral start,
From here, I’d say, life found its heart.
New friends were made, though some old did stray,
And family gatherings were fewer this way.
Low moments knocked, but I stood tall,
Even two months of no work couldn’t make me fall.
Depression came, but I turned it aside,
With a positive outlook as my guide.
Here’s to 2025, may it be divine,
With brighter days and moments to shine.