Friday, December 16, 2011

Boozed out..?

So in the recent news cops catch a few people selling fake liquor in expensive bottles, I am sure this is only the tip of the iceberg
New Year bust Ordinary whiskey in Scotch bottles

and on the other hand in West Bengal the toll of people dying due to illicit liquor is on the rise.
Hootch Tragedy
Hooch horror in Bengal

and we have people like Anna Hazare saying "flog boozers"
Netizens rap flog boozers barb of Anna Hazare

according to Anna there is no Tobacco and Liquor sold in his state
Tobacco liquor not sold in Anna Hazares village

but the actual truth is he has just scared people of his village into giving up alcohol
Fear and intimidation in Anna Hazares model village

Why do you think this is happening..
The Maharashtra government has raised Taxes on booze
Excise duty foreign liquor country liquor

Then they also raise the age to which you are allowed to drink
Drinking age for liquor in Maharastra

So why will illicit liquor or smuggling not be on the rise,
Its quite simple you see, we live in a democratic county and we are free to do what we want as long as we are not breaking any laws. In any city just like Mumbai where people are working like dogs to earn a little to a lot of money, we all put in a hard days work, its nice to end the day or the weekend on a little high. After all  are we not all working towards being happy. So while the earning has stayed the same the prices for everything has been raised, and this rise of Tax is affecting the happiness of the state.

Of course people will look at buying things at a cheaper rate, if only the original came at a smaller price no one would buy fake booze risking their lives, also cutting down on the profits of smugglers thus cutting down the crime. Would you ever think of smuggling cheaper booze in states like Goa or Daman no why cause its already cheap there, it would be a stupid business.

What if booze was made really cheap, do you think that the entire country would turn dunk, I don't think so, its the case where the forbidden fruit is the one that is desired the most. But there is always the case of bad fruit spoils the case, there are a few who spoil the fun for all, its takes just a few over drunk people to spoil the happiness of the rest. A young few who drink and drive and spoil it for the millions who are responsible drunks.
Drunk Driving

So what should be done.. Lower and cheaper booze or a complete ban, I think lets just open a bottle have a  peg or two and then we can decide later.
!! Cheers!!

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Petrol Hike a Silver lining

We have all heard of the petrol prices going up in the last year

Fifth Petrol Price Hike in India This Year

Revolt Against Petrol Hikes in India

Petrol price hike from Rs 8 to Rs 58 in 20 years

and there are a lot more articles that you can come across.
The trend that fuel hike takes is
Fuel hike  = rise in transportation = rise in essential commodities = everything has gone up except income.

While this is a disaster of sorts, there is a silver lining a see through all this,
I say why increase it by 1.80 or 2 Rs/ - I say increase rates to 100 to 500 Rs/-
Its makes fuel so unaffordable that we all get screwed big time,
So what is the silver lining in all this

It will force all to leave their car's & bikes at home and take up public transport,
this will force the improvement of public transport. (hopefully)
Alternately people will start walking and cycling to places
a healthier approach to life, also it would be easier as there would be lesser traffic to deal with.
Most people will have to return to their home towns and villages and take up farming
this increases the country's internal food supply and bringing down cost as supply increases.
Alternate methods will finally get implied which are not only cost effective
but also environment friendly, like solar and wind powered transport,
may be fuel produced in our own backyard and thus reducing our dependency from the oil exporting countries.

So while the silver line might be a very thin one,
hope it does not leave us drenched out waiting for the rainbow to appear.

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Whats your FACE(book) Disease

In this day and age we suffer from a new disease, I don't know if this has been classified already but I am calling it the FACE disease. so what are you suffering from read on to the end and find out.. not in alphabetical order..

When u have to visit FB everyday.

People who just go about liking everything that everyone posts.

people who like the things they themselves say or post..

People who go keep visiting one person's profile and liking everything that is posted by that person.
Its possible that one can stalk more than one person, if its beyond 3 people then you just suffer from Likeness Face

people who only play mindjolt games

people who will play any kind of games and have to log on everyday to play them.
they could also be suffering from Mindjolt Face and Ville Face

people who will play one or all or the ville - cityville, farmville etc...

and unlike the actual poker player this one is obsessed by playing facebook poker, some confuse this with actual poking and go about poking their friends but that's not this.

people who go about poking everyone they know and expect to be poked back.

people who have to comment on anything and everything they see, could also suffer from Liker Face / Liker Stalker Face

people have to keep posting something or the other the minute they get online, be it youtube videos or jokes or anything they chance upon.

people who update their status every few minutes, would have anywhere from 4 - 10 status updates in one log-in session.

people who like to forward anything and everything that they come across, similar to the Poster Face except nothing original can comes from them.

this is the "I want to make Friendship with /to you types"

people who write everything in short form's ntg is evr splt ful...

people who change their profile picture every few days, would have more than 100 profile pictures to qualify.

people who upload picture almost everyday, could be even the view from the rickshaw that they traveled in.

someone who joins all the possible groups that exist.

people who are always online on facebook through their mobile electronic devices or otherwise.

people who travel a lot and keep posting about it.. like "going to the loo",  "going to work", "at work", etc..

people who will take up all the possible causes on face this earth..

people who have an opinion about everything and anything.. could also be suffering from Comment face.

people who are on FB only to look for work.

people who suffer from send to 5, 7 10 people or u will suffer from bad luck....

people who have to post the same thing on Twitter and Facebook as well...

people who say hi to you on chat but have nothing to say beyond that.

people who will chat with anyone and everyone online.

people who are online but have kept themselves invisible, will chat only with who they want to.

people who tag random people even when they have nothing to do with that post

think of any more do let me know.. am sure quite a few would crop up as the disease advances.
If you are suffering from more than 4 FACES then its time you logged out and saw the real world around..


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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I support the increase in the drinking age to 25......

The Maharastra government have decided to increase the age of drinking to 25 from 21 and I totally support this..
But along with this they HAVE TO implement the following LAWS as well..

1. The retirement age for all Government officials and ministers be made 65 (that way they are not from another era)

2. The pay to these guys increased and all subsidies cut completely. (so no free travel, no cheap food etc feel the pinch that the aam janta feels)

3. Ban on all ministers and government officials from smoking and consuming alcohol in any form. (after all how will they rule if they are intoxicated)

4. No free stay should be provided to them. (let them try buying houses like all people and see if they can afford to pay the 60 - 40% OR try living on the obscene rents that regular people have to pay)

5. No one with criminal cases against them will be allowed to stand up for any of these jobs. (either the judical system will hurry up or we would have got rid of the rotten apples)

6. All their promises should be made their appraisal points and after each year their salaries should be increased or decreased as per their performances. (at least they will stop making false promises or actually start working on them)

7. Their timings have to be clocked. (lets see how much time they put into work)

well I think I could go on and on.. but will save that for when they increase the drinking age to 30...
So these laws should do for now.. what say Maharastra government upto it..?

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Friday, April 15, 2011

Lets Beat Up

There was a report on Mumbai Mirror of a Pani Puri guy who pissed in the cup that he used to serve it in, his reason lack of any place to pee, unhygienic, gross yes. So what should be done, here is what a few political parties decided to do, they went out of their way to beat up lots of food and roadside vender's destroying a lot of property, and I am pretty much sure its without checking who was clean or who was not.

Well I have a few suggestions of my own for these political parties to beat up, here goes,

Lets Beat Up...

1. All people who spit on the roads pann or otherwise.
2. All people who crap and piss on the road.
3. All people who throw garbage on the road.
4. All people who beg.
5. All people who sell stuff by the wayside illegally.
6. All the corrupt people.
7. All the black marketers.
8. All people who accept bribes.
9. All people who give bribes.
10. All who use their influence to get out of crime.
11. All the robbers, murderers, rapists etc.
12.  and lastly All the people who beat up other people just to gain political millage.

Wont it be nice, all people beating up all people, but first all I would like to say let the person who thinks he is clear of all this all his life start the process...

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Saturday, April 9, 2011

JAN LOKPAL BILL is this victory?

So the government gave into Anna Hazare's fasting and what he has done is in turn is wake up a nation to ask, talk, blog, protest etc etc. So as I understand it now we will have a committee of people who will have the power to look into the corrupt. So a LokPal will be appointed at the centre. He will have an autonomous charge, say like the Election Commission of India. In each and every state, Lokayukta will be appointed. The job is to bring all alleged party to trial in case of corruptions within 1 year. 

Within 2 years, the guilty will be punished. Not like, Bofors scam or Bhopal Gas Tragedy case, that has been going for last 25 years without any result. But what if the people that get appointed are also corrupt? then what? Is not the government the same thing, after all we only have elected these people. All I can say that this is only a group of people who will be in charge of reducing corruption. 

Also what I didn't like in all of this was the way the things were one to achieve this. So every time we feel something is wrong we will go on hunger strikes and hold governments or organisations at ransom, what happened to talks and discussions. Well I guess this was better than a strike, or stone throwing or those kind of methods.     

But is it not in our hands to reduce corruption, don't we all give the traffic cops  a 50 or a 20 to avoid getting a challan or do we not pay to speed up our work like to get our ration cards or passports or papers from the government office. Don't people bribe others to get some work done, some do it to win Job's / Contracts in their favor. So then how can we stop others from doing something that we don't even think twice before doing?

So is there a solution to all this madness, well if this Bill passed reduces corruption then great or we all go back to our corrupt ways. The only way I feel that you can make people correct their behavior is fear. As kids we were all afraid of punishment, well at least most did, those who got punished more often had got used to it and it stopped effecting them later.

So here are some of my suggestions towards punishments if people are found guilty,
1. Ban these from Job role that they are doing for a period in relative to the crime say starting from 5 years onwards. eg, a person caught taking bribe should be banned from working in that position for that period across that medium.
2. Hefty fine should be for all cases, like 10 to 100 times the amount.
3. Jail in serious cases for sure.
4. Both parties the giver and the receiver should get charged..

I could go on and on but will that be of any effect, I don't know, may be its just up to to me to change myself and hope all would be doing the same.

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Monday, April 4, 2011

Me singing at my Wedding

My singing at my wedding
first clip is after communion singing "Ruth's Song"

At the reception singing for the first dance which was a surprise to Irene,
sung a cover of Bryan Adams "I'll always be right there"

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Mumbai.. That Bothers...

The first thing that hits you when you enter Bombay / Mumbai from anywhere is "The Smell".  Yes not the crowd or the buildings, those come later, the stench of garbage, pollution, etc. Whats funny is a few hours into the place and you get used to the smell so much that it stops being a bother.

Next what bothers me is "The Noise" What is this about honking? What I fail to understand why do people honk when they can see that 5 vehicles ahead of them are not moving. Or the signal has not even changed. What is the driver ahead supposed to do fly? or should he honk as well as if in Chinese whispers all ahead will honk and we will reach our destination just like that.

What about "Spitting".  Forget the uneducated, even the educated, open the doors of their cars or while walking down the street feel the need to spit, guess they took paint the town red literally.

And can anyone do anything about "The Pissing & Crapping" on the streets, guess when there is a need people will just do the deed.. and what does one say about "The Garbage", I could challenge anyone to walk a mile in this city without finding or rather stepping on some.

Also what I do not understand is "The Potholes" if you do manage to find a decent stretch of road that is not being currently dug, you are defiantly going to find holes in the road, some of them big enough to swallow a car.

So where do these problems originate, a corrupt government? BMC who is more concerned in filling their pockets? A slow influx of people coming from all over into this city or is it just us. Do we not care enough to fix these? Are there solutions to these problems? Can these be fixed overnight?

I would go to say of course these can be fixed, it would take the masses who live here along with a little help of those in power to make that change. Here are some of the options.

# It would not take too much for the government to make it compulsory that every few acres of land should have a minimum number of large trees, for starters this city needs open space's and every time land is opened up to development they should make sure that greenery is increased. A lot more plants will definitely reduce the problem of smell,

# People should make sure that their society and their surrounding areas have a decent amount of greenery.

# Use of solar, wind etc should be made cheaper and compulsory in some places. This would go a long way in reducing pollution.

# Its simple to stop people from excessive honking, a hefty fine should do the trick

# May be the cop should just go ahead and cut off the horn in a vehicle that is honking unnecessarily.

# May be electric horns are banned completely and air horns which take a effort to blow should replace these.

# Another option is fix the sound of the horn inside the car, so every time the driver honks he is the one to hear it the loudest.

# People caught spitting should be made to pay a fine and clean the spit with whatever they have on themselves, I guess that should be bad enough to make people think twice before spitting again.

# There definitely needs to be a lot more public toilets built everywhere, in fact every 2000 - 4000 meters should have a public loo which should be maintained. people will pay and use if these are clean.

# Catch someone throwing garbage anywhere and he should be made to sweep the entire street with a colourful vest to show that they have been caught. Guess embarrassment should stop them from doing this again.

# Dedicate a page in the newspaper to the people caught spitting and pissing with suitable headlines. this would stop others who would not bother about paying fines.

# Of course increase the number of garbage cans.

# Get people responsible for the area around them for eg. shopkeepers should be fined for garbage outside their shop's or society's fined if they have kept their area dirty.

# Road maintenance should be the responsibility of the one fixing / making it, when these contracts are given out make sure that the contractor is responsible for that road for 3-4 years and that all repair work done on that road during that time should done free of cost and at the earliest. That would keep them from using cheap materials and shoddy work. And if delayed they should be banned from any contracts for the next 5 years.

I am sure that there are many more solutions as there are many more problems. But a step in the right direction can change this city so much. I love this city, just wish it could be better.

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Friday, March 18, 2011

The Cross In The Way

When I was kid, I was told we live in a democracy,
that definitely does not seem to be the case.

A peace loving community is being targeted because we do not protest.
BMC decides to destroy something that is historic and religious..

Serving a notice on Sat and with a deadline on Mon,
someone must be really in a hurry to get this done

All I want to ask the authorities is why don't they show the same amount of hurry

when it comes to clearing of illegal hut-men and hawkers,
in fact they seem to be given proper houses just case they are a vote bank.

why not show the same hurry when it comes to building toilets or
stopping people from crapping and spitting on roads,

why not show the same hurry in fixing the roads that get so easily dug up.
why money spent on fixing things actually goes towards fixing it and not in their pockets.

why not show the same hurry in clearing the illegal politicians hoardings that are all over the place
 it seems that its easier to destroy something that is not In The Way

check these links out..

"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." (Luke 23:34)

“For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins”
(Matthew 6:14–15,)

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Thursday, March 17, 2011

We... But... - Poem

We complain of the heat,
But we plant no trees.

We want to break the habit,
But we still pick up the cigarette.

We hate the crime,
But we still pay the bribe.

We love to chill.
But we don’t want to pay the bill,

We love to give advice,
But we don’t do what’s right.

We want to change,
But we never will.

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